Class act
On Sept. 25, 1957, Eagle Scout Ernest Green Jr. and eight other African-American students walked through the front doors of Little Rock’s Central High School and onto the pages of history. Their simple action capped off months of planning, weeks of legal...
Boy Scout Handbook, 13th edition
Imagine standing at a trailhead with a small group of friends. It’s early morning, and the air is filled with the scent of pine and honeysuckle. In a nearby tree, a squirrel is chittering away. An eagle circles high overhead, soaring gracefully on unseen...
True colors
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Vashti who didn’t think she could draw. Frustrated, she jabbed a dot onto a piece of paper and handed it to her art teacher, who insisted she sign it. When Vashti returned to class the next week, she was...
Faculty profile: Jackie Villadsen, Physics & Astronomy
Professor Jackie Villadsen, physics & astronomy, is helping to answer one of science's burning questions: Are there Earth-like planets in far-off solar systems? To find out, she and her research team are studying bursts of radio waves from stars like the red...
Reading, writing, and a whole lot more
Despite the many challenges of the past year, Autumn Dodson, WC ’18, BU ’21, was an unstoppable force. More or less simultaneously, she wrote the dissertation for her Doctor of Education at Brenau University and a children’s book, My Teacher Looks Like...