Beating boredom
As November slides into December, a raft of religious and cultural celebrations await, including Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and the International Day of Boredom. OK, boredom doesn’t have its own holiday, but maybe it should. After all,...
How to choose the right words when talking to your teen
Your teenage son comes home from school, mutters a few unintelligible words when you ask about his day and retreats to his room to play videogames. Your teenage daughter comes home from school, parks herself in the kitchen and unloads all her troubles in a...
Scouting magazine–Roundtable section
Dr. Bridget Walker makes her living scaring people, and she’s proud of it. A practitioner of cognitive behavioral therapy, she knows the best way to fight fear is to face it, as she describes in her new book, Anxiety Relief for Kids (New Harbinger...
Adventure ahead!
The Cub Scout motto is “Do Your Best,” but maybe it should be “Embrace Change.” Since Cub Scouting began in 1930, the program has changed frequently. Age limits have dropped. Tigers have been introduced. Lions have gone extinct. The Webelos Scout...