Vision benefits—what you need to know
Your vision plan is an investment in your current and future eye health. Learn what you need to know about your vision benefits, as well as how and where you can use it. Let’s get...
A place for all
Pastor Larry Stoess and his wife, Kathie, create community one meal at a...
Leading with integrity
You could say Rex Tillerson’s path to the corner office began on a portage trail in the Boundary Watters of Minnesota and Ontario. As a 14-year-old Scout from Stillwater, Okla., the future ExxonMobil CEO traveled to the Charles L. Sommers Canoe Base for a...
Courageous conversations at the Human Library
You can’t judge a book by its cover, but most people do exactly that with humans. “We so frequently do judge people by their appearances or their identity or their religion or gender — you name it,” says librarian Susan Lauricella of the Wilton...
Why company leaders need to prioritize their own mental health
As a 28-year-old consultant for Bain, John Donahoe found himself working constantly, traveling frequently, rarely sleeping and always struggling to find some semblance of work-life balance. Then he got a piece of advice that changed — and maybe even saved...
Early retirement: What it’s all about
After decades of punching the clock, you’d love to quit your job when you turn 65 (or soon after). But retiring early isn’t as simple as saying, “I quit.” Here’s what you need to know about the financial and health insurance aspects of early...
Boy Scouts of America annual report
In 1939—deep in the Great Depression—the Boy Scouts of America opened what would become Philmont Scout Ranch. Fewer than 200 Scouts visited Philmont that first summer, but optimistic ranch employees launched a building program that fall, knowing better...
Work at play
If you've seen the movie "Big," you may remember this scene: A group of toy executives is listening to a product pitch that focuses more on demographics, market share and revenue projections than on the actual toy in question — a skyscraper that turns into...
How to help a loved one make sense of Medicare Advantage plans
Whether you’re a full-time caregiver for a parent or just lending a hand now and then, you know how important it is that they have great health care. And for people age 65 and older, that usually starts with a Medicare plan. But if you’re new to this part...
Boy Scout Handbook, 13th edition
Imagine standing at a trailhead with a small group of friends. It’s early morning, and the air is filled with the scent of pine and honeysuckle. In a nearby tree, a squirrel is chittering away. An eagle circles high overhead, soaring gracefully on unseen...
Make the most of your medication coverage
One of the benefits of getting prescription drug coverage is getting help paying for your regular medications. And given that nearly 70% of all doctor visits involve some kind of drug therapy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),...
Why you need a flu shot every year
You might have gotten a flu shot last year. Nearly half of American adults did. But guess what: You have to start all over again this year. Last year’s vaccine is about as timely as last week’s...
True colors
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Vashti who didn’t think she could draw. Frustrated, she jabbed a dot onto a piece of paper and handed it to her art teacher, who insisted she sign it. When Vashti returned to class the next week, she was...
3 estate planning mistakes to avoid
With apologies to poet Robert Burns, the best-laid estate plans of women and men sometimes go awry. Consider the friend of estate attorney Roz Carothers' client. The woman, a single parent, left behind a detailed estate plan, but also left behind a problem:...
How the Great American Songbook unites generations
Whether it's April in Paris or autumn in New York, someone right now is probably listening to a selection from The Great American Songbook. Maybe they're taking the A train to Harlem with Ella Fitzgerald or getting their kicks on Route 66 with Nat King Cole....
Prescription drug coverage: What it’s all about
Do you take any prescription medications? Most Americans do. Nearly half of Americans take at least 1 prescription drug per month, and about 1 in 8 take 5 or more. And all those prescriptions can add up. In 2021, prescription drug spending hit $378...
All aboard the Photo Ark
Joel Sartore (Eagle Class of 1977) is an overachiever. Like most concerned citizens, he wants to save the whales and the giant pandas. But he also wants to save the Florida grasshopper sparrow. And the Colombian spider monkey. And the hellbender. And even the...
American Cancer Society annual report
When the American Cancer Society was founded in 1913, a cancer diagnosis meant almost certain death—preceded only by a protracted period of pain and suffering. In those days, the Society could offer comfort and perhaps the loan of a hospital bed, but it...
Could a smarter home help you age in place?
In the heart of Louisville’s Innovation District sits the Thrive Center, a 7,500-square-foot space dedicated to showing how technology can enhance the lives of older adults. And in the center of the center is the prototype of a smart home — including...
How reducing workplace stress could help prevent heart attacks
When the leader of a major organisation suffers a heart attack, it tends to make the headlines. That was the case in 2017, when the American Heart Association’s volunteer president, cardiologist John Warner, M.D., went into cardiac arrest. That was the case...